Floating shelves do not have the traditional media that can impede their efforts to create the beautiful designs on the wall. Instead, they have supported internally usually run the entire depth of the platform. They are so that you never ever support is installed. This is done by moving the rod in the media through an opening in the back of the platform. This method creates a sleeker appearance and clean two shelves. By using this type of shelves, has the ability to place their shelves everywhere. Even smaller cities will not be hindered by installing floating shelves.
Floating shelves frail at first glance because of the way they are on the wall. The whole operation of the brackets are hidden, so that, as she sees float on the wall. In fact, they are usually much stronger than other types of platforms that are compatible with traditional media and screws.
understood in the design of the racks of this kind, that these producers hanging shelves without external support. Therefore, to be specially reinforced. This will be by the addition of screws to the wall and the internal supports done made of durable materials. Also expanded enough to provide excellent support. With this design, which are capable of heavy objects on the shelves without concern.
Floating shelves are not only functional but also beautiful. You can find wood surfaces in all colors for a rich traditional look. If your home is modern or Art Deco, some manufacturers floating shelves in a strong resin material durability can be done. You can find these in all colors of the spectrum. This is a big advantage if you have a color scheme in your room. There are many different designs for these shelves, shelves are thin and elegant, and those with a complicated pattern on the edges.